Share your good news with camp! 

If you would like to share some news, please us the Simchah form below. 

Alumni, share your happy news!

Just became engaged, married, had a baby, moved, graduated, or have another simchah you want to share with your Camp family? Let us know so we can celebrate with you!

Mazel tov to our Recent Married Alumni! 

If you or someone you know if missing from this list please email so we can celebrate all of our alumni! 

Jackson Foster and Natalia Gomez

Shayna Steinfeld and Sam Sevett*

Dani Golub and Davis Burns

Max Wyman and Simran Jehani

Jessie Locke and Ray Velez

Rachel Groetsch Buck and Avihai Aharon

Anna Mayerson and Jacob Braunstein*

Atticus Blatt and Finlay Allardice

Maddie Renov and Ari Kaplan*

Rachel Brehm and Joe Laskin

Shayna Freisleben and Alex Efron

Aaron Leven and Zazu Tauber*

Chloe Kruskol and Cooper Abedin

Emma Mooso and Matt Applesmith

Sammy Nussbaum and Niki Dankner

Erica Tooch and Ross Dember

Zach Stein and Casey Mann


Simchah Form