Food & Nutrition

We are proud that we regularly rank significantly higher than the national average in our food quality and food service in national surveys with other Jewish camps!

At camp, we even do an exceptional job of accommodating almost every dietary need, including but not exclusive to vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, and more. We are not a kosher kitchen but do serve our food in a kosher style, never mixing milk and meat products. Additionally, we are fully capable of and experienced in dealing with all types of allergies, including lactose intolerance, nut allergies, Celiac disease, and nearly everything else out there. It's no problem!

Please take a look at this sample menu, and if you have any questions about food and what we are able to accommodate feel free to contact us directly. We are very flexible and our kitchen staff is always willing to do whatever they can to help our campers stay happy, healthy, and delighted with food at camp.